Voices Rising

Voices Rising

Two ways to celebrate Voices Rising’s 20th year!

We Persist, free performance, Tues., Feb. 18, 8pm, Old South Church

Please join Voices Rising for a FREE concert on Tuesday 2/18 at 8pm at Old South Church in Copley Square (645 Boylston Street) as we lift our voices and proclaim, “We persist!”

Audience members after our recent concert commented again and again: “I needed this;” “this fed my soul;” “it was SO good to connect and be in community.” This is the power of music in such turbulent times. With a mission of “building community through song,” Voices Rising is honored and excited to mark the end of our 20th anniversary year by offering a free 1-hour concert in the heart of Boston, featuring songs from our recent performance We Persist. Whether you are looking for inspiration, hope, connection, or just great music, come join our community as we raise our voices in harmony!

This concert is free and open to the public with a run-time of one hour.

Double your giving in our 20th year!

We have exciting news to share with you as we close out our 20th anniversary year and plan for what’s ahead. A group of generous donors has come together to give us matching funds for donations you make to Voices Rising between now and the end of February, up to a total match of $5500. We’ve never had this kind of offer before and are thrilled for the opportunity to strengthen the financial footing that supports musical excellence and our mission to build community through song.

This means that for every dollar you contribute between now and February 28th, our group of donors will donate a dollar to match it. Such a simple way to magnify your impact! In addition, in honor of our 21st year, there are two ways to activate a double match by contributing specific amounts. Your donation of $210 will become $630 for Voices Rising and your donation of $70 will become $210. Please help us reach our goal so that we can continue to do our much-needed work in a world that requires ever more strength, more opportunities for community and solidarity, more love and more justice. Will you join us on this journey?

Donate now on our 20-year anniversary donation page!